I'm here to ask the big questions of design. To force my self and others to look deeply into our surroundings. To seek and discover how much design really encompeses our lives, but how it can also shape us as individuals. Along, with a little flare and some humor, I hope to share my view of deisgn in our society, and how it relates to my life, right here, right now.
Monday, November 29, 2010
DESIGN IS DANGEROUS: Hot Rod or Death Sentence
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http://www.destination360.com/australia-south-pacific/new-zealand/images/s/motorcycle-rental-tours.jpg |
Design has many good intentions. It is meant to attract our attention, intrigue us, and broaden our horizons. However sometimes design can have an element of danger. Even though we may know that there is a risk to acquiring this design we still purchase it our desire it because the design has a cool or trendy element. However, is being cool or looking stylish worth the risk of losing your life? I am refereeing to motorcycles. Motorcycles have a very unique and sleek design that allows a driver to transport themselves faster, however it is not always the safest way. Motorcycles expose the driver, especially when it maneuvers throughout traffic; making it a vulnerable target to accidents. Also there is hardly any protection, which is extremely dangerous because accidents with larger vehicles can result in death. For example, there is an average of 3570 motorcycle deaths per year. So why do we risk their lives all for the want and need of a particular design, or make or model? Why does design blur our conscience to believing that we must acquire it and ignore the elements of danger? For one thing, it has to do with the marketing of the product and meaning we put behind it. Also, many people cannot afford to buy a nice safe SUV or afford gas prices, so they result to purchasing a design that fits their lifestyle and their budget. In conclusion, designs that are dangerous may seem unneeded, but sometimes we must sacrifice the possible to risks. However, sometimes we completely ignore the risks just because we are taught to think that we must have a particular design or product.
The symbol above should be a recognizable design because it has been incorporated into almost all aspects of our lives. From our cars, to our garbage, to the water bottles we use, even in our grocery stores. Everyone has started to “think greener” and has started a global awareness of saving our earth, and it is all thanks to a slogan and design that almost immediately reminds us to recycle or reuse.
The design of the “Think Green” symbol and the campaigns that sweep our country to motivate people to save our earth, possess a very utopian like quality. Utopian means that it aims to improve our society. This symbol may not be a specific design that actually improves our society, but it is a reminder to our world to live smarted and to help preserve our earth for as long as we can. It has become such a recognizable symbol that it has produced a very strong impact amongst our society. Its ironic to me that to catch our society’s attention, we chose to design something so simple and straightforward. However, the meaning behind that design, and the message it is sending is much greater. Its incredible how much meaning we can put into our design, yet the design seems so simple, that all I can think about is how complicated it actually is. Three arrows forming a triangle like circle to represent how we must recycle and reuse. The design makes it look so easy, however the design only goes so far. It is the person putting meaning behind the design that must then become an active part of the “Think Green” campaign for it to actually work.
Monday, November 15, 2010
What's Next???
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Image Source: http://www.kinectforxbox360.co.uk/kinect-xbox.jpg |
As soon as I thought our technology couldn’t get anymore advanced, Xbox decides to come out with something absolutely amazing and cutting edge. From the moment I saw it I new that it was something everyone has been waiting for. Years ago, when Wii came out with a hand held remote controlled gaming system, it seemed as though the makers of Wii had discovered the “Holy Grail” of video games. Wii took over how video games were played, and brought families and friends together with the click of a button.
That all changed a couple days ago, when the makers of Xbox released what is called Kinect. Unlike Wii, it requires no remotes, or hand held devices. It locates your body position with a small black box placed next to your TV and uses your body movements to direct the game. A friend of mine asked me to try it out a couple days ago, and I had questionable thoughts about it all. How could something so small pick of my body movements so quickly and produce those movements through a computer generated character on the screen? I was asked to played volleyball through Kinect and was extremely skeptical. There was no way it was going to be accurate and quick enough. I expected many delays. However, I was AMAZED by how clear and precise this system was. It picked up my movements exactly, and is able to locate two people at a time for 2-person play.
This design has raised the bar for our technology, and has only made consumers hungry for more. If makers of Kinect are able to produce such an amazing product, then what is expected to come years from now?
I've Got a List and I'm Checking It Twice
Greek etymology has described ergonomics has a word that stresses the importance of design with the human body in mind. For example, Psychologist A. Maslow created a pyramid of human needs, which includes physiological, safety, love, self-esteem, and self-actualization. At the top of this pyramid is a group of transcendent needs: universal peace, universal wisdom, personal peace, and personal wisdom. These are the needs we dream about and strive for, but are still just as important to pursue. However, our needs do not end there. Our needs stretch beyond into the products that help manage our demanding lives.
It is hard to imagine that as humans we require so much, but if we are to be held to such extraordinary expectations we must demand needs that either we must provide for ourselves, or someone else must provide for us. This does not exactly mean that it must be a person who fulfills our needs of purpose, uniqueness, effectiveness, energy, or belongingness directly. It can be a designer who creates a product that is used by its consumer as desired. We are not only humans with needs; we are consumers who demand products to fulfill our needs. We may even tap into our transcendent needs and dream about a product to make life easier until someone is brilliant enough to solve the problem for us. For example, a problem as simple as turning your car on with the push of a button, because turning the key was too time consuming in the first place. God forbid the effectiveness of the car is impaired because I find turning a key too time consuming. In reality, this is the world we live in today, so we must have just has many expectations from our technology and products.
However, just as the consumer has needs, so does the designer. To be fully effective and ultimately accepted a designer one must have functionality, reliability, usability, proficiency, and creativity. Once a designer has followed such criteria from our demanding world, he/she must still try to make the design unique, and of something that reflects their vision and style. Sometimes when designers pay too much attention to how a design looks, the consumers needs our disregarded. Which brings me to the basis for design criticism. There are 5 areas of ergonomic research: safety, comfort, ease or use, performance, aesthetics. Ultimately, when these 5 areas are satisfied, a design is created that makes our life easier. For example, as an athlete, the demands for performing well are very high, so whenever there is something that can give me an edge on my opponent, or a chance to stay healthy and fit I have to try it. Orthotics are crucial for athletes, especially those who suffer from chronic foot pain. I do not think that many designers understand the importance of how orthotics are designed, and instead look to mass produce them for a fast and easy solution for swollen sore feet. Therefore, I find it very annoying when orthotics in your local Rite Aid do not do their job. They might do their job, but I have to buy a new pair every month. This led me to pursuing a perfectly designed pair of Orthotics from my local Podiatrist. It had everything I needed, safety, comfort, ease of use, performance, and aesthetics. Even though I decided to leave it to a professional, the price was very alarming, a price completely over my budget.
On the other hand, I could not help but find that the price was well worth it because it satisfied each of the 5 areas of ergonomic research: safety, comfort, ease or use, performance, aesthetics. The safety part was satisfied through the strong support that was molded to my foot. Following that was the comfort, which allowed me to perform to my best without pain. They were easy to use and very simple. Unlike orthotics you buy at the store, I didn’t have to cut the orthotic to fit my foot. Continuing on with my appreciation for the product, the performance, and productivity of the product was excellent because they have lasted me 3 years, and I wear them everyday. Aesthetics may play a small role, however I cannot complain, because the simple design is basic and recognizable for my lifestyle. With all that said, I have come to a conclusion from my experience.
After shelling out $500 for these orthotics, it seems as though the products or designs that satisfy all my needs seem to be more expensive, and the ones that pretend to be, lack something I wish it had. If only I could have my cake and eat it too. Or maybe designers could find a way to make my life easier, while staying within my budget. You could say that on my journey towards finding products that satisfy all 5 areas of ergonomic research, I found more transcendent needs to dream and ponder about. Maslow may have me wishing and hoping for even more, but he has taught me not to settle for anything less than the best, especially when it comes to staying healthy and happy.
*To find out more about Orthotics and their contribution to keeping athletes healthy check out this website--> http://www.guilfordortho.com/orthotics_athletic_performance.htm Monday, November 8, 2010
Word and Image- The Art of Tattoos
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Image Source: http://www.tattoodesignpictures.net/tattoo-design-picture-starwithwords-Iampaulstypingfingers-gallery.jpg |
The relationship between words and images are an essential part of design. We can see this in comics, advertising, commercials, etc. However, have you ever stopped to wonder about the art that is permanently tattooed onto someone’s body. Whether it be for fun, a dare, or because you want to keep a memory with you at all times, tattoos are amazing pieces of art that are influenced by happenings in ones life. For example, Lil’ Wayne has essentially tattooed his whole body, with everything from tear drops, to words, quotes, people, places and things, you name it! His tattoos are poetic and lyrical, and it fulfills his expressive character. People find the urge, for whatever reason, to connect so deeply with words or phrases that they find it imperative to ink it onto their skin. These words or phrases are then transformed into a piece of artwork that is specifically meaningful to that particular person. Of course many people enjoy getting images of symbols tattooed to their body, but understand that the words, phrases, or quotes that people insist on getting tattooed on their body are transformed into an image in itself. Words become a display of meaning and are a significant and unique to that individual. The idea that words and images share a connection is true. For example, in some ads you cannot have one without the other. But, when words become the image itself they transform into the vehicle for meaning and value.
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Image Source: http://www.doobybrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/lil-wayne-1.jpg |
Word and Image
The anti-smoking agencies have provided our society clever advertising to persuade or convince us to stop smoking. From commercials, to stats and facts about the effects of smoking, these companies go to great lengths to get their urgent message across. This ad however, stood out to me because of its powerful connotation. Not only that, but the strong relationship between word and image has created an influential and compelling representation of the deadly effects of smoking. The image is a dramatic interpretation of a cigarette with the end shaped like a skull. Since the skull is a fairly recognizable icon of death, it automatically brings out a significant piece of information. It represents a correlation between smoking and death through design. Following the image is the words placed below it that read, “Smoking Kills.” This finalizes the piece. If it did not have those two simple words below it, it might leave room for someone to interpret it there own way. This ad leaves no room for error, because when it comes to smoking there is no room for making the mistake of risking your life. “Smoking Kills” completes the ad in a direct and serious way. Because of the link between the word and image, this ad is more powerful and demanding of the viewers participation. It forces the viewer to reflect upon their decisions and to understand the consequences of smoking that can ultimately be death.
Design is the Unimaginable
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Image Source: http://www.thelifeofluxury.com/images/julian_beever_sidewalk_chalk_art_2.jpg |
Surprisingly, these images were created from chalk. It is spectacular how such an ordinary medium can be used to transform a sidewalk into a whole eye opening experience. These 3-D images are drawn straight onto the ground using strict technique and amazing talent. Once it is finished, you must place yourself accordingly to see the finished project as a 3-D image, like the ones above. At any other angle it may seem un-proportional and bizarre. However, once you approach the artwork at a certain angle the chalk creates a magical 3D illusion. Design is not only something to appreciate, but something to experience. These sidewalk designs attract many onlookers, and allow people to help finish their artwork. If placed correctly it can look as though you are part of the 3D image. Design becomes more active and entertaining when you are able to participate. Not only that, but these sidewalk designs are not only amusing, but remarkable discoveries that can transform many nonbelievers. Chalk is used a vehicle of discovery and an opportunity for outsiders to enter the mind- blowing world of design.
Image Source: http://www.toxel.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/sidewalkart4.jpg
Monday, November 1, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Official HD
In only a few weeks, the most amazing movie will be hitting theaters everywhere. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be in full force November 19th. Since I was eleven years old I have lived and breathed the Harry Potter series. J.K Rowling is the most amazing and talented writer I know of, and her ability to capture my attention through her vivid imagery is breathtaking and she has inspired me to share my own creativity with the world. She was able to communicate to me through the medium of her writing, and later on through film. The media we use may seem limited, but the limitless comes from the mind. She may have written an outstanding story, but she gave me the ability to finish the story in my head, as I envisioned the characters, places, and events while I was reading. Harry Potter has been transformed into an iconic figure that has an immense amount of power. I am truly captivated by this character that Rowling has created. I am very excited to watch the final chapter of the Harry Potter series because I will be able to watch my thoughts turn into realities. It will be an engaging experience that I will cherish for a very long time. An experience that has inspired me to be able to produce such an extraordinary film myself. One day I hope to bring someone’s dreams into a reality through the art of design.
Design Makes the World Go Round
Image Source: http://tribaltruth.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/toms.shoes_.jpg
“In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers.” http://www.toms.com/our-movement/
Is design most important as an element of commerce, or are there other ways to conceive designs role? Well design has played a major role for the makers of TOMS shoes. TOMS are not only sweeping the nation, but the globe as they set out to provide children and families with footwear to protect them from soil-based diseases. They are a symbol of unity and communicate a message to consumers that giving back is important and much needed. The mission of a designer is to engage your audience, and TOMS has created a company that forces consumers to think before they purchase. From Nike to Adidas, shoes are an example of an industrial design that we take for granted everyday. TOMS are so brilliant and simple that they have convinced shoe goers everywhere to not only contribute to helping people around the world, but to look chic and comfortable doing it. These shoes come packaged in a drawstring bag, with an added piece of material that the shoes are made from. The aesthetic design is both efficient and reliable. Different textures, patterns, colors, sparkles, shapes, and sizes are offered. These shoes have such an energetic pattern and rhythm about them. The tactile qualities and repetitive nature of this shoe creates unity within variety, and something that has much more meaning that just footwear. TOMS has taken shoes away from a mainstream production that is constantly trying to out do the other, to something so effortless that they have captured the heart and soul of consumers everywhere. With an added bonus, for every pair of shoes that you buy, TOMS donates a pair to a child in need. Who knew design could play such a factor in changing lives around the world. HoHohhh
I recently watched a film called OBJETIFIED in class, and I was shocked by how much Gary Hustwit’s 2009 documentary opened my eyes to the stories behind the objects that completely consume me. I have never really stopped to think about their story or the detail that is embedded in everything that is around me; my coffee cup, my laundry basket, computer, lamp, remotes etc. This film brought to my attention what I have taken for granted in the toothbrush I use every mourning, or the hairbrush I use. Everything has been designed to fit my needs, and good design is innovative, useful, consistent in every detail, and ironically has as little design as possible. Design is a search for form, and the form that hits the shelves needs to make my life easier. This is what keeps consumers coming back for more, and what makes new products so desirable. For example, Apple has designed such innovative and aesthetic products that we have become almost dependent upon them. However, Apple’s design makes me believe that this is how an IPod was always supposed to be. I am convinced that my laptop shouldn’t operate any other way because they have found such harmony within design. It is because of this film that I cannot help but gaze upon the objects in my room and ponder their story, their process into production. How they came to be, and I cannot help but reflect upon how much I truly rely on the little things in life; the objects that surround me and assist me through my daily life.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Compare and Contrast- IPhone Vs. Blackberry
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Image Source: http://www.shuttervoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/South-Africa-iPhone-VS-BlackBerry-Who-Is-the-Winner.jpg |
Let's not hide the fact that there is a fierce competition between the makers of the IPhone and the Blackberry. Their sleek designs and their latest technology has consumers weighing their options when they decide to sign that two year contract. Not only have they revolutionized cell phone networks all over the world, these gadgets have us glued to our phones as if they were our only lifeline.
Personally, I am not someone who is interested in the latest software on my phone. I will be honest, its the design of the phone that I am after, and how convenient that design is for my lifestyle. If I am going to haul around a phone everywhere as if it were my own child, then it better look good, and it better work with me, not against me.
Apple has swept the nation with its sleek and iconic model known as the IPhone. A perfectly faceted piece of equipment that allows for gaming, email, Internet browsing, and the most amazing applications on the planet. What was our life like before the IPhone or IPod? The touch screen however, has its draw backs. All the chubby fingers in the world might struggle with the touch screen demands. And not only that, but I have had friends accidentally hang up on someone because their ear has hit the "end call" button.
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Image Source: http://bindapple.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/iphone-vs-blackberry.jpg |
So what makes either phone better? Their designs may be completely different, but they are still used for the same purposes. It comes down to what design style works best for you. This is the magic of design! You may compare and contrast different designs in your life as much as you like, for example, furniture shopping, clothes, cars etc. However, the variety of designs that are offered to us help us to create our own identity. Design comes in all shapes and sizes, and whether you are striving to be different, or trying to mainstream, there is something out there
Check out this article about how these two phones have revolutionized the way we communicate.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pop Art
The iconic power of the funky and unique characteristics of this artwork better known as Pop Art, is an inspiring style that has made an iconic impact amongst the design society for decades. It began as a movement in the 1950's in Britain and the United States, carrying a funky theme full of colorful techniques, influenced by television, pop icons, and comic books in the twentieth century. The image swept the youth and represented a sense of coolness. It became a type of trend that inspired artists like Andy Warhol to break away from conventional art pieces. His electrifying take on icons like Marilyn Monroe fueled his success. He gave his audience an overload of color and an image that contributed to our loud and imperfect society. His work was created by using silk screen, and by ignoring the imperfections of his prints. He embraced the unevenness and grainy look that his tools made. "What they suggested was not the humanizing touch of the hand but the pervasiveness of routine error." His design was not your typical trial and error, or method of repetition. Warhol embraced the imperfections of his work, therefore made an iconic name for himself. Maybe sometimes we just have to let go and come face to face with our flaws. Maybe then we can truly learn to design from within, rather then within the constraints of our design.
Image Source: http://www.actuallynotes.com/images/warhol-marilyn.jpg
Design as a Conversation (Lady Gaga - Telephone ft. Beyoncé)
Video Source: Youtube
Design is not simply something to gaze upon. It is a quest, and an experience that takes much more work than just mindless staring. Design is a conversation that communicates with its audience. We, the audience are fortunate enough to have a universal language that we can all understand; the language of design. A stimulating example above is the music video produced by Lady Gaga-Telephone ft. Beyonce. This nine minute long mini movie is full of improvisation between the creator and the audience. It is a thought provoking adventure through the mind of Lady Gaga, as she uses the medium of film to communicate to her fans, or as she likes to call them, her "little monsters." Known for her hidden meanings in most of her songs and elaborate music videos, she has used design as a challenge for her fans. From the costumes, to the lyrics, even to the dance moves, Lady Gaga uses her own unique performance to get her message across. Gaga proclaims, “I’m always trying to convolute everyone’s idea of what a pop music video should be.” ( http://www.rap-up.com/2010/03/12/lady-gaga-explains-message-behind-telephone-video/) And she does just that. Her music video is an expression of purpose, and a challenge for her audience. She invites us to finish her work, just as artist Yoko Ono does in her work "22 Instructions for Paintings." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI7bSY6LwJc&p=EE25018953F90FAA&playnext=1&index=14)
However, Lady Gaga has not given us clear intructions for decoding her video. She asks the viewer to participate. To step away from our normal mind-sets. This may seem like a lot of effort since our culture is so used to being handed answers on a silver plater. However, it is our ethical responsibility to give this iconic woman our time and involvement, as we experience and discover what she is trying to tell us. So what is she trying to say? Gaga asserts, “Take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper; the idea that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology, and turn it into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are.” (http://www.rap-up.com/2010/03/12/lady-gaga-explains-message-behind-telephone-video/)
However, Lady Gaga has not given us clear intructions for decoding her video. She asks the viewer to participate. To step away from our normal mind-sets. This may seem like a lot of effort since our culture is so used to being handed answers on a silver plater. However, it is our ethical responsibility to give this iconic woman our time and involvement, as we experience and discover what she is trying to tell us. So what is she trying to say? Gaga asserts, “Take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper; the idea that America is full of young people that are inundated with information and technology, and turn it into something that was more of a commentary on the kind of country that we are.” (http://www.rap-up.com/2010/03/12/lady-gaga-explains-message-behind-telephone-video/)
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Image Source: http://disinfo.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/LadyGagaTelephone.jpg |
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Image Sorce: http://www.thevine.com.au/resources/imgdetail/lady-gaga-telephone_detail_150310051718.jpg |
In one particular scene, Gaga wears glasses made of burning cigarettes. This causes immediate confusion for viewers. It is a very apparent example of symbolism. Is she try to convey that she is blind to reality or to the constraints of our society? This may be so, since she is constantly attempting to break away from the norms of today’s American culture.
Image Source: http://youritlist.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Picture-6.png
Today art and design meet in the realm experience, and Lady Gaga’s Music video “Telephone” is a peculiar one. Although, because she is so unconventional, I believe that viewers are more likely to participate. They cannot help but try to discover what she is trying to tell us because her videos are like nothing we have ever seen. Design is a method of action, and her method may be challenging, but at least she is asking for her viewers to contribute. She is communicating to her fans through the art of music and video. She values the feedback from her fans, and for that, Gaga gives us the most over the top and powerful performances that inspires us to think outside of oursleves.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
"Stone Soup"
Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely
Let's face it, design has everything and anything to do with our daily lives. From the desks we sit in, to the magazines we read, even the clothes we wear. However, design is much more than something to look at or use. It is about the actual experience. It is what we can get out of designing something. The actual input from others, the brainstorming, and the teamwork. It all makes the end product so much more valuable and gratifying. This notion led my DES 001 class to get down and dirty. To channel our inner Pre-Schooler, and to share our perspectives on design through an interesting in-class activity.
Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely
Our assignment was based of the original folk- story known as "Stone Soup." This story tells the tale of three soldiers in the midst of war, who travel to a local village in search for food. At this time food was scarce, so many families would hoard their food, or would pretend that they did not have anything at all. The soldiers then decided to make a large pot of "stone soup." This brought about the curiosity of the local villagers. As they watched the soldiers, place stones in their pot, many people began to offer some of their own goods to put in the soup. A carrot here, some cabbage there. After awhile people began offering wonderful goods to add to the meal. Eventually, the whole village had come together to make a scrumptious meal.
The lesson seems to be that, cooperation, teamwork and sharing goes a lot further than being selfish. And that is just what we did in our small groups. Each of us were asked to bring something to the table. A vague assignment of bringing 4 different materials to class, turned into an array of items that I never expected. From blank Cd's, to fishing line, and even zebra striped duct tape. I appreciated what everyone had so willingly brought, because it opened my eyes to their ideas and imagination. It was inspiring to see how everyone interpreted the assignment. When we all gathered to finally put our “Stone Soup” together, we collaborated to create out own “design tree.” It was full of life, literally. From leaves, and dirt, to the branches we assembled out of brown paper. We crafted flowers out of construction paper, and tied paper leaves to fishing line. We cut a whole in the side of our box, which was the base for our "tree," and made it look as though the roots of the tree were visible. I contributed by cutting egg cartons, and covering them with zebra duct tape to make bird nests. I stuffed the bowl-like shapes with brown paper, and used round push pins as the eggs. Our team was very successful. We were able to bounce ideas off each other and ultimately we were able to create one fantastic end product. The assignment opened my eyes to the possibilities of design, and how easy it is to become inspired. I hope to explore the opportunities around me to challenge myself, and to force myself out of my comfort zone. Experiencing the many different views of design that my peers offered was a very rewarding experience.
Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely
Show Me the Light- Creativity From Without
Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely
After wondering into an overwhelming Urban Outfitters, and after browsing through the sea of bizarre clothes and contraptions, I walked up the stairs to an unusual sight. Urban Outfitters is known for their unique style, so I was not shocked by the dozens of odd light fixtures floating above me. Bright light bulbs were dangling from long, vague, wire-like fixtures. Twisted, and pretzel shaped formations danced gracefully throughout the ceiling . It was as if I was walking into a scene from Alice in Wonderland. I almost half expected the cheshirer cat to appear and explain them to me. I even imagined them lowering them selves down and wrapping around me like a serpent. As humans, I believe that we take advantage of the little things around us. The small details that encompass our daily lives, and the moments that breath life into our imaginations
Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely
While my mind was spinning, I realized that someone had found a way to bring life to something so simple. They had created something out of nothing. A mere light bulb was transformed into pure genesis. As Terzidis would say, “Design is a vague, ambiguous, and indefinite process of genesis, emergence or formation of something executed…the strive to capture the elusive.” (Etymology of Design, Terzidis) The light fixtures not only provided a twisted take on a lamp, literally, but the cluster of lights that hovered above me sparkled with attitude and flare. Who knew a effortless light bulb could have such vivacious design. And who knew such a thing could be transformed from a basic source of light to an experience all in its own. Who knew creativity could blossom from without.
For more inspiration, check out this website to see how other designers are getting creative with light. http://www.weirdworm.com/10-weird-chandeliers/
For more inspiration, check out this website to see how other designers are getting creative with light. http://www.weirdworm.com/10-weird-chandeliers/
Singare Marks the Spot
Image Source: http://www.loganmolen.com/storage/TacoBellSauce.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1266902660533
The Latin root for design comes from the word signare, a word of origin that refers to “mark making.” Cy Twonbly, a contemporary artist, created the piece “Wilder Shores of Love,” in 1985. His recognizable talent and theme throughout his work left him with a signature style. And as Twonbly left his mark on the design society, so has Taco Bell. Yes, the same Taco Bell with the most delicious, mouth watering, below grade food on the earth. I find myself craving a crunch wrap supreme on the best of days. Heck, I’ll be honest, Taco Bell is a guilty pleasure of mine, (and a contributor to my adolescent weight gain).
It wasn’t until a recent late night trip that I noticed something different. The Taco Bell hot sauce was trying to speak to me before I squeezed it all over my succulent grilled steak soft taco. Perhaps I am more in tune to the design that surrounds my life now that Housefield has placed his voice inside my head, but my sweet and spicy hot sauce had the text, “Ahhhh We Meet Again…” placed upon the sauce packet. Umm Excuse me? I was unaware that Taco Bell was trying to molest me via hot sauce. However, I found it rather humorous, and it grabbed my attention instantly. I looked amongst the other hot sauce packets, and each one had a different saying. It was clear that my precious packet was full of design. From the bold colors to, flashy font, and of course the promiscuous sayings that were draped across it. I Was this Taco Bell’s singare? Was the small text placed upon it an attempt to make their mark? I am not sure what Taco Bell’s motives are, but I can say this… According to Kostas Terzidis, author of The Etymology of Design, “Design serves as a pivotal point of reference that identifies and categorizes.” Taco Bell has definitely found their identifier, and they have used the tool of design to keep you coming back for more. Now when I reach for my del scorcho hot sauce from Del Taco, I cannot help but feel sorry for them. Their boring hot sauce packets have nothing on Taco Bell’s creepy, yet clever marketing. So I salute you Taco Bell. You have left your mark on not only the “fast food nation,” but the hungry designer in each of us.
To find out more about Taco Bell and their funny slogans visit http://tbell.bfxmedia.com/
To find out more about Taco Bell and their funny slogans visit http://tbell.bfxmedia.com/
Monday, October 4, 2010
We Are the People of Design
Source of Image: http://www.geekshoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/jimmy-choo-jazz-leopard-printed-pony-and-elaphe-snake-skin-shoes.jpg
As Carrie Bradshaw would say, “Every once in awhile, a girl has to indulge herself.” Well, every once in awhile a girl has to look damn good, and what do we turn to? Our shoes of course. Christian Louboutin’s, Jimmy Choo’s, and Manolo Blahnik’s, all top designer shoes that make grown women drool with desire. These days, for a good chunk of change you can pay for a stunning pair of designer shoes, it just may take your whole paycheck to do so. But why not? The little voice inside your head is saying, "you deserve it, your fashion forward, why shouldn’t you indulge! They may only go with one outfit, but your going to look hot as hell." So maybe you count down the days until the Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale. Those Michael Kors 5 inch Studded Pumps will be 30% off, and you will do anything to have them, to hold them. I have even caught myself considering buying a pair of Jimmy Choo’s that were over $200, but they were originally $500, so technically the shoe gods were trying to speak to me. But let’s be honest, we are obsessed with making our feet sparkle. With making them look as chic and sexy as possible, so when another girl walks by you can flaunt it in their face. (becasue we all know guys don't give a damn) I mean hey, maybe an intervention is an order for your online shoe shopping addiction, but shoes these days are a statement, and a testimony to the small designer burning inside all of us. We are the people of design, and we appreciate the little things. The small crystal claps, that rich red sole, the snake skin platform, and the perfect peep toe. Maybe Carrie was trying to tell us something. Maybe our obsessions are reason enough to indulge. Were basically wearing a perfectly faceted piece of artwork that screams for attention. So why not reward ourselves for being so design conscious.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Quench Your Thirst for Deisgn
Source Image: http://cafecomcoca.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/gatorade21.jpg
All athletes know that hydration is key to being successful and staying healthy. You can’t sweat blood and tears without thinking about cold water, or your next gulp of your favorite sports drink. Well, on behalf UCD Women’s basketball starting off their season, I’ve decided to dedicate this post to my team. On that note, as you read this you might ask yourself, “What the hell does this have to do with Design?” But I hope that you take much more away from this then just my sense of humor.
“The thirst quencher,” the long lasting performance drink, your go to way of keeping yourself from shutting down. Gatorade is a prime way of recovering, and has the nutrition facts to prove it. Even though that lemon lime might taste delicious, have you ever thought about anything other than the drink itself, like the packaging. Like the actual design of the bottle. Take a close look. Take a second. Great, now, hoping you’re on my level, you can’t help but notice that it takes a similar form to a penis. Yes I said it, but you can’t deny you didn’t think it. Gatorade has designed such a perfectly proportional shaft that it puts all men to shame. You can’t blame the creators for choosing such a recognizable shape. Baseball bats, hot dogs, pencils, missiles, and rocketships all have something in common. Giving those objects the benefit of the doubt, they are designed in such a way to create efficiency and practical use. So do I really need a penis shaped bottle to make sure that I’m drinking it correctly. Call me crazy, but I don’t think so.
All joking aside, let’s get serious, and try to break this down. Somewhere, there are a group of people sitting in a board room, laughing out loud, while making millions of dollars, as they watch Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods take a big swig from their thunder penis. However, they are making millions for a reason, so perhaps they have found a secret way to catch our attention, and force us to pay about $2 dollars for 8 fl ounces of complex carbohydrates.
Ancient art and sculpture has many sexual connotations. For example, Michelangelo was not afraid to show the human body for what it was, beautiful, flawed, and graceful. The statue of David is the most famous statue to date. Michelangelo places David in the perfect contraposto. And for those art illiterate out there, “contraposto” is considered the perfect “stance”, the most natural S curved shape that the body takes. It gives a human figure a very natural realistic look. In fact, the “contrapposto” was actually created by the ancient Greeks "in order to give their statues more human characteristics.”
Source of Image: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-09/07/xin_410901071333420166997.jpg
Possibly, Gatorade has simply sought out to capture the basic primitive qualities of what our earliest designers created. The “human” characteristics of the Gaterade bottle offeres a realistic shape that humans can relate to. Design has many roots, and those roots of origin challenge us to recognize the past, and to discover a way to lead toward novelty. The Gatorade bottle must then, have novelty. It is striking, and odd, and an evident example of our emergence as designers. It is our subconscious that forces us to purchase a perfectly mushroom tipped bottle. And it is our instinctive response to the design that has us coming back for more.
Maybe it is a deisgn conspiracy... OR maybe those people in the board room are so appreciative, and loyal to ancient art, that they couldn’t help but take a bottle and shape into something so deeply rooted into our design history. Design is not an evil scheme, but a challenge for understanding. Deisgn cannot be planned. It is an innovative means of "becoming." So innovative that you could even go as far to say, that the Gatorade bottle is a miniature Statue of David, and the creators are modern day Michaelangelo's.
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