Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely
Let's face it, design has everything and anything to do with our daily lives. From the desks we sit in, to the magazines we read, even the clothes we wear. However, design is much more than something to look at or use. It is about the actual experience. It is what we can get out of designing something. The actual input from others, the brainstorming, and the teamwork. It all makes the end product so much more valuable and gratifying. This notion led my DES 001 class to get down and dirty. To channel our inner Pre-Schooler, and to share our perspectives on design through an interesting in-class activity.
Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely
Our assignment was based of the original folk- story known as "Stone Soup." This story tells the tale of three soldiers in the midst of war, who travel to a local village in search for food. At this time food was scarce, so many families would hoard their food, or would pretend that they did not have anything at all. The soldiers then decided to make a large pot of "stone soup." This brought about the curiosity of the local villagers. As they watched the soldiers, place stones in their pot, many people began to offer some of their own goods to put in the soup. A carrot here, some cabbage there. After awhile people began offering wonderful goods to add to the meal. Eventually, the whole village had come together to make a scrumptious meal.
The lesson seems to be that, cooperation, teamwork and sharing goes a lot further than being selfish. And that is just what we did in our small groups. Each of us were asked to bring something to the table. A vague assignment of bringing 4 different materials to class, turned into an array of items that I never expected. From blank Cd's, to fishing line, and even zebra striped duct tape. I appreciated what everyone had so willingly brought, because it opened my eyes to their ideas and imagination. It was inspiring to see how everyone interpreted the assignment. When we all gathered to finally put our “Stone Soup” together, we collaborated to create out own “design tree.” It was full of life, literally. From leaves, and dirt, to the branches we assembled out of brown paper. We crafted flowers out of construction paper, and tied paper leaves to fishing line. We cut a whole in the side of our box, which was the base for our "tree," and made it look as though the roots of the tree were visible. I contributed by cutting egg cartons, and covering them with zebra duct tape to make bird nests. I stuffed the bowl-like shapes with brown paper, and used round push pins as the eggs. Our team was very successful. We were able to bounce ideas off each other and ultimately we were able to create one fantastic end product. The assignment opened my eyes to the possibilities of design, and how easy it is to become inspired. I hope to explore the opportunities around me to challenge myself, and to force myself out of my comfort zone. Experiencing the many different views of design that my peers offered was a very rewarding experience.
Image Source: photo taken by Victoria Deely