Monday, November 29, 2010


The symbol above should be a recognizable design because it has been incorporated into almost all aspects of our lives. From our cars, to our garbage, to the water bottles we use, even in our grocery stores. Everyone has started to “think greener” and has started a global awareness of saving our earth, and it is all thanks to a slogan and design that almost immediately reminds us to recycle or reuse.
The design of the “Think Green” symbol and the campaigns that sweep our country to motivate people to save our earth,  possess a  very utopian like quality. Utopian means that it aims to improve our society. This symbol may not be a specific design that actually improves our society, but it is a reminder to our world to live smarted and to help preserve our earth for as long as we can. It has become such a recognizable symbol that it has produced a very strong impact amongst our society.  Its ironic to me that to catch our society’s attention, we chose to design something so simple and straightforward. However, the meaning behind that design, and the message it is sending is much greater. Its incredible how much meaning we can put into our design, yet the design seems so simple, that all I can think about is how complicated it actually is. Three arrows forming a triangle like circle to represent how we must recycle and reuse. The design makes it look so easy, however the design only goes so far. It is the person putting meaning behind the design that must then become an active part of the “Think Green” campaign for it to actually work. 

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